





  • 工程专业
  • 71个单位
  • 工程学101:工程与设计导论
  • 3

Develop creative thinking 和 problem solving skills essential to the engineer. Students are challenged to function as members of a team to communicate well. Broad exposure is provided to various engineering disciplines 和 practices.

  • 创业工程经济学
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本课程将向你介绍工程经济学, which is the application of economics 和 decision theory to the evaluation of engineering alternatives in planning, 发展中, 构建, 管理工程项目.

  • ENGR 212: Project Management 和 Communication in Christian Context
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Students will incorporate the unique incarnational aspects of Jesus Christ into the skills related to service, 团队合作, 项目计划与管理, 以及团队内部和利益相关者之间的沟通. Students 工作 in teams to plan 和 carry out semester-long projects.

  • 工程师312:静力学 & 材料强度
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Develop core competencies associated with mechanical, biomechanical, 和 structural engineering. Physics principles are used to determine internal 和 external 力s in various types of members, 包括分析软件的介绍. The material's response to load - stress 和 strain - is also emphasized. Principles for design of simple mechanical 和 structural elements are introduced. 先决条件/共同要求:PHY 221

  • 机械动力学
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Students will learn the foundations of the kinematics of particles, 粒子系统, 刚体. Topics include impulse 和 动力, conservation of 能源, rotation, 和 vibrations. Computational problem solving skills will be developed to solve dynamic engineering problems. 先决条件/共同要求:ENGR 312

  • ENGR 316:流体力学
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Study of static 和 dynamic effects in Fluid Kinematics using Lagrangian 和 Eulerian analysis. 连续性, 动力, 和 能源 equations in integral 和 differential form for incompressible flows. Introduction to boundary layer theory 和 transient fluid motion. Comparison of theory to experimental 和 computational fluid dynamic results. 先决条件/共同要求:MTH 384

  • 工程师318:热 & 大众运输
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This course introduces the governing principles behind heat 和 mass transport phenomena. Students will develop an underst和ing of steady state 和 transient conduction 和 diffusion, 层流和湍流对流输送, 和 the computational solution strategies often employed by engineers. 先决条件/辅助条件:MTH 384

  • PHY 315:电子学I:模拟电路
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这门实践课程将侧重于设计, 制造, 以及模拟电子电路的测试, 电路元件, 和 devices with special emphasis on the use of electronic test equipment. 实验时间包含在课程表中. 需要付实验室费用. 前提条件:C-或更好的PHY 221或教师的同意.

  • engr320:信号 & 系统
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This course presents students with the fundamentals of analog 和 digital signal processing in the context of engineering systems. Interpretation 和 analysis of continuous 和 discrete time signals are introduced, 以及傅里叶变换和拉普拉斯变换的应用. 抽样, 过滤, 调制, 和 feedback for systems are discussed using cases from diverse areas of engineering.

  • PHY 325:科学设备设计和制造
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这门实践课程将侧重于设计 of scientific equipment, 采用科学的玻璃吹制工艺, 和机械车间工具, 特别是车床和膝式铣床, 制造, 修复, 和 modify scientific equipment; also included will be a comprehensive introduction to vacuum technology. 实验时间包含在课程表中. 需要付实验室费用. 前提条件:C-或更好的PHY 221或教师的同意.

  • engr330:计算机辅助设计
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Two- 和 three-dimensional computer aided design principles are developed through the use of a 3D solid modeling program. Students will design 和 create engineering drawings 和 geometric models. The course will culminate with a team-based project resulting in the design 和 制造 of a prototype. 预修/必修:工程师101

  • ENGR 495:高级顶点1
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Students engage the knowledge content of their academic discipline in the context of a specific technology problem or need 和 in collaboration with a partner organization or client community. 团队展示有效的项目管理策略, 持续报告进度, 并记录重要的设计活动.  需要高级职位

  • ENGR 496:高级顶点II
  • 2

Students engage the knowledge content of their academic discipline in the context of a specific technology problem or need 和 in collaboration with a partner organization or client community. 团队展示有效的项目管理策略, 持续报告进度, 并记录重要的设计活动.  需要高级职位

  • 计算机、数学和基础科学
  • MTH 265:统计学入门
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作为一门适用于教育的统计学基础课程, 业务, 以及自然科学, 本课程将包括描述性统计等主题, 正常的, 二项, F-, 和卡方分布, 假设检验. Optional topics might include additional non-parametric tests 和 ANOVA. 需要TI-83图形计算器或Microsoft Excel. 前提条件:C-或C以上 AMTH 101 or CMTH 101 or m 201 or m 252 or m 271 或同等.

  • 271:微积分1
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This course will study differential 和 integral calculus in one variable through graphical, 数值和符号方法. 限制, 连续性, 衍生品, 我们会用代数方法来研究积分, 三角, 指数函数和对数函数, 包括应用微积分来解决问题. 先决条件: A passing score on the Calculus Placement Exam, or consent of the department chair.

  • MTH 272:微积分2
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的延续 m 271, 本课程将包括对积分方法的研究, 应用于代数和超越函数. 旋转固体, 定积分和不定积分, 泰勒多项式, 序列与级数, will be studied 包括应用微积分来解决问题. 前提条件:C-或C以上 m 271 或可接受的AP考试学分.

  • 373:微积分III
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作为 m 272, 本课程将包括向量微积分的学习, 三维计算, 偏导数, 多重积分, 微分学, 以及向量微积分中其他选定的主题. 前提条件:C-或C以上 m 272.

  • MTH 384:常微分方程
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This course will cover the classification of differential equations along with first order equations, 具体差异, 整合的因素, 高阶微分方程, 待定系数法, 参数变化, 操作方法, 无穷级数解, 和拉普拉斯变换. 前提条件:C-或C以上 m 272. 提供隔年.

  • PHY 221:微积分基础物理1
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本课程将学习牛顿力学:向量与标量, 平移和旋转运动的运动学和动力学, 牛顿定律, 速度, 速度, 加速度, 力, 转矩, 工作, 能源, 线动量和角动量, 波动与谐波运动, 万有引力, 摩擦, 能量和动量守恒, 热力学. 需要付实验室费用. 先决条件: m 271 (允许同时入学)或导师同意.

  • PHY 222:微积分基础物理II
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作为 221年体育, 本课程将涵盖热力学, 麦克斯韦的电和磁方程, 当前的, 电压, 电阻, 电感, 电抗, 权力, 光学与光学系统, 干扰, 衍射, 极化, 分散, 和一致性. 实验时间包含在课程表中. 需要付实验室费用. 先决条件:C-或以上 221年体育m 272 (允许同时入学)或导师同意.

  • CSC 104:编程基础
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This course covers the basic principles of computer programming 和 algorithm design using the C# programming language. 该类处理基本语言语法, 分支, 循环, 异常, I/O, 字符串处理, 最佳实践, 以及编写高质量计算机程序的工具. It also introduces the process of turning a program that was written in a high-level language into an intermediate language 和 how the operating system then loads 和 executes it. Students in the class will be able to write elementary programs that will run on the Microsoft .. NET框架和开源的Mono.

  • CSC 314:程序设计语言
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This course examines disciplined programming using a high-level language with specific emphasis on program design, style, 效率和文件. 主题包括语法和语义, 语句和子程序控制, 数据类型和数据控制, 设计和实现问题以及源代码控制. 提供隔年. 前提条件:C-或C以上 CSC 104.

当前的学生, please note: The requirements listed here may not reflect the most 当前的 courses for this major 和 may not be the requirements for the catalog year you are following to complete your major. 请参阅 学术目录 for official requirements you must meet to qualify for a degree. Students who select the engineering major must take CHE 221 in general education.
